Up-date phpMyAdmin 4.x Directadmin

Thứ tư - 24/07/2013 01:55
As this is a new major release, I've added it to custombuild, but if you want 4.0.0, you'll need to ask for it:
Up-date phpMyAdmin 4.x Directadmin
1) this version requires custombuild 1.2 or higher. 1.2 uses phpmyadmin (PMA) 3 by default.

2) You'll need to specify you want it, if you have 1.2, eg:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build up-date
./build set phpmyadmin_ver 4
./build phpmyadmin

3) Custombuild 2.0 has 4 enabled by default.

It's now on files1.directadmin.com, and may take up to 24 hours to propagate to the other mirrors

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